#one piece montblanc cricket
danwhobrowses · 14 days
One Piece Chapter 1117 - Initial Thoughts
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The breaks always feel long but they always end
because One Piece is back! Which means we have to see more of Vegapunk's transmission and the Straw Hats' escape
Let's not linger on it, let's see what we have!
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
Yamato is still yet to start his voyage, this time stopping by Nekomamushi and Hyou's neck of the woods
Seems Neko is living among the Yakuza, which to be fair does fit his style
The reveal last chapter that the Roger pirates knew about the world sinking causes some to wonder if the One Piece is underwater
Or at the least, great treasure hidden at the bottom of the sea
Seems the Polar Tang wasn't the only known ship able to dive underwater, but they're expensive
Also made myself sad because we lost the Polar Tang...and the Victoria Punk
EDIT: I didn't even see it the first time but the Krieg Pirates are there, you see Pearl even more decked out, Krieg has a mane and GIN! HE'S ALIVE!
There are however 2 other ships that know how to dive, an alliance of Romance Chasers
Montblanc Cricket and the Saruyama Alliance react to the news, and consider doing some more diving to investigate a new romance
Cricket also notes how it was before Noland's time, so it would be uncharted territory, just regulate yourself so you don't get the bends again
In the G-5, the SWORD agents lick their wounds
Hibari is defrosted, and Koby is struggling to process everything
Kujaku notes how a captain is recovering, but I'm not sure who that is, Koby's the only known SWORD captain and he's in the panel, plus they use male pronouns so it can't be Tashigi
Koby looks to Grus about the shitstorm about to go down, which Grus is also concerned about, Kujaku however relishes a chance to step up
He's out of Wano and in a recovery bed, what about Hawkins? Did he make it?
Tashigi's also making a call to Smoker
Missed ya Smokey, driving all badass across water with your motorbike, no need to guess who you learned that from
Vegapunk continues his message, noting that anything else would be speculation so he won't delve deeper - much to audience chagrin
Back to the Labophase and the barrier has been lifted by Stussy
Nami and Chopper notice that the clouds have also stopped moving, but Usopp assures that they can make it to the sea
Lilith however notes the ships they'd be landing on, some of them friendlies as well
Brook charges up the Coup de Burst so it's all waiting on Jinbe and Zoro
Speaking of whom, they are nearly there, but they're on the tail of something bigger: V. Nusjuro
Nami thinks Zoro and Jinbe ended up getting distracted and chasing a monster, but I would assume Zoro (since Nami wouldn't take that tone with Jinbe as often I don't think) notes that they're going the same direction
Whoever it is, they note the Gorosei's 'special presence'
Usopp, Chopper and Lilith go into an eye pop as the Gorosei prepares to bisect the Sunny
Jinbe and Zoro are doing the Fastball Special!
V. Nusjuro blocks Zoro's Nitoryu, though the clash isn't a simple swat away
Zoro confirms what we've theorized with V. Nusjuro having the final and most powerful Kitetsu blade, Shodai Kitetsu
The impact sends both swordsmen being knocked back, and the twitter fans go wild
Jinbe catches Zoro, as Zoro tells Nami to launch the ship anyway, intending to latch on before it flies away
With Sanji's group, he, Bonney, Atlas and Franky are still waiting for Luffy, but they're also under heavy fire
Comms are down, but Luffy's voice is unmistakable
Dorry and Brogy also call on Oimo and Kashii to get the ship ready, sending the legendary Giant Warrior Pirates into action
Out they come taking on a warship each by themselves, the one in the lower middle looks like he's about to eat a dude
Bluegrass isn't some easy shmoe though, using a commandeered Weaponized Sea Beast to attack and encouraging the marines to step up
The laser blast from the sea beast blows a hole in the longboat, and then Kashii is battered by Doll's Rock n' Roll Blaster (which seems to be a Gatling-esque series of punches)
The marines much like they do with Hina fawn over Doll when she gets violent, wonder if she trained under Garp with such fisticuffs?
The felling of Kashii has motivated the marines to not back down from the giants either
Luffy meanwhile is curious where Warcury went, since he's no longer on their tail, but the giant captains are too relieved to wonder about that
Alas, all but V. Nusjuro surround the Iron Giant, realising that it's the same one that attacked Marejois
Of course this is where Vegapunk is about to deliver a closing juicy statement
'To those who carry the letter 'D.' in your name' !!!???
Dragon with the classic ellipsis, Sabo thinks of his brothers, Koby thinks of Luffy and Garp, Blackbeard interest piqued, and Bepo calls out to his captain - so Law is very much alive
'Among you there is mo-' and the giant is knocked down, along with the transmission
And a collective wail among the audiences of the world in and out of the manga is heard
Morgans, Vivi and Wapol react to the cut off, as the Gorosei and York breathe a sigh of relief that the transmission is over.
Well god damn
We expected the blueball and yet it still sucked to be blue balled XD Unless we aren't that is. Pride comes before the fall maybe?
I would say it's 70/30 on the side of the Gorosei succeeding, we don't need to know any more at this stage right now - but I do blame the 10 minute delay for picture. But what could 'mo-' - the chapter's title - mean? What more was it. Among you there is mo-what? Someone with the D. has something, and it's important.
But it does look like we're reaching the final escape from Egghead. I hope Sentomaru made it out, X Drake can survive and leave Wano after all. There are still some fights going on among the Giants and the Marines, plus we don't know how the CP0 lot will resolve itself, but we tend to take for granted just how insanely jam-packed Egghead has been, and Elbaf is next!
Glad Zoro got a little bit more cred back for matching V. Nusjuro, plus I liked it was a fastball special it's just fun when groups fight in sync with each other. Also kinda glad we put some respect on Bluegrass and Doll, shows there are levels to vice admirals outside of just Garp.
All the cameos were good too, would've liked to have seen Tashigi and Bogard again but happy to see Smoker and Cricket was a nice surprise.
Unless Vegapunk has one last trick up his sleeve, it's time to get off this island.
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kazuuum · 1 month
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basedkikuenjoyer · 9 days
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There's no deeper purpose to this one, I just liked it. While so many are geeking out over Gin & Krieg, which is cool, love love love seeing Cricket and the Saruyama Alliance with the best reaction to finding out the world sea level rise so much. Let's just dive down there boys!
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redhatmeg · 10 months
The most memorable thing about Skypiea Arc to me was Montblanc Cricket and his goal to prove or disprove of his ancestor's claim.
Becuase at first it looks like he wants to restore his family's good name, but then, as he talks about Norland and all the things he suffered because of the silly story, you easily realize that he doesn't give a shit about his family's honor. Cricket actually has personal grudge against his ancestor and openly says that by looking for the Golden Mountain he waged a war against Norland.
Back in a day, I found it interesting.
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luffysfakebeard · 2 years
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Usopp got dragged left right and centre this episode 😂
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ayzscream · 2 years
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Montblanc Cricket (One Piece)  » September 11
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sanny-chan5 · 2 years
Happy b-day!! 10-12/09
Main: Ami, Cricket
Ami, from Sailor Moon
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Cricket, from OP
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Others: Miu (Nana)
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One Piece — "I ain't gonna laugh at ya anymore."
From Volume 71 - Chapter 706 / Season 11 Episode 635. Luffy's disguise at the Corrida Colosseum has been compromised! An old face he pummeled two years ago recognized him from a mile away. But it seems he's a changed man. He's found that Luffy's dreams aren't so crazy, and the world is full of things you can't even imagine. This doesn't mean they're friends, Bellamy is seeking Doflamingo's approval, making them enemies. But they have a newfound respect for each other.
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dxc-95 · 8 months
One Piece Sky Island Saga spoilers
Favorite character/s: Luffy; Montblanc Cricket; Gan Fall Favorite villain/s: NA Least favorite character/s: Nami Least favorite villain/s: Satori Cry moment/s: Noland and Calgara's final goodbye;
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random-movie-ideas · 5 months
One Piece Live Action (5 Season Projection)
Now that I've seen up to the time skip in One Piece, here are my projections for how the seasons will be divided out. (JR = Jolly Roger title)
Season 1 (East Blue) - starring Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Koby, Buggy, and Garp.
Alvida's ship to the Marine Base (JR: Monkey D. Luffy)
Buggy's Circus (JR: Buggy the Clown)
Part 1 of Syrup Village (JR: Usopp)
Part 2 of Syrup Village (JR: Roronoa Zoro)
Part 1 of Baratie (JR: Chef Zeff)
Part 2 of Baratie (JR: Vinsmoke Sanji)
Part 1 of Arlong Park (JR: Nami)
Part 2 of Arlong Park (JR: Arlong)
Season 2 (Alabasta) - adding Chopper, Robin, Vivi, Smoker, and Crocodile.
Loguetown to Reverse Mountain (JR: Smoker)
Whiskey Peak (JR: Igaram)
Part 1 of Drum Kingdom (JR: Wapol)
Part 2 of Drum Kingdom (JR: Tony Tony Chopper)
Part 1 of Alabasta (JR: Portgas D. Ace)
Part 2 of Alabasta (JR: Crocodile)
Part 3 of Alabasta (JR: Nefertari Vivi)
Part 4 of Alabasta (JR: Nico Robin)
*The giants of Elbaf would have a small cameo similar to Don Krieg. Mr. 3 would have a similar small appearance, but might appear later in the finale.
Season 3 (Nico Robin) - adding Franky and Admiral Aokiji.
Jaya to the skyward launch (JR: Montblanc Cricket)
Part 1 of Skypeia (JR: Conis)
Part 2 of Skypeia (JR: Gan Fall)
Part 3 of Skypeia (JR: Enel)
Meeting Aokiji to Water 7 (JR: Admiral Aokiji)
Part 2 of Water 7 (JR: Franky)
The train to Enies Lobby (JR: Sogeking)
Part 2 of Enies Lobby (JR: Rob Lucci)
*Foxy would have a small cameo similar to Don Krieg and the giants.
Season 4 (Approaching the Red Line) - adding Brook and possibly Kuma.
Part 1 of Thriller Bark (JR: Brook)
Part 2 of Thriller Bark (JR: Dr. Hogback)
Part 3 of Thriller Bark (JR: Gecko Moria)
Part 4 of Thriller Bark (JR: Bartholomew Kuma)
Part 1 of Sabaody (JR: Hatchan)
Part 2 of Sabaody (JR: Silvers Rayleigh)
Part 1 of Amazon Lily (JR: Margaret)
Part 2 of Amazon Lily (JR: Boa Hancock)
*Duval and the Flying Fish Riders would likely be relegated to a small cameo as well.
Season Five (The Execution of Ace) - adding Bon Clay, Galdino, Ivankov, Jinbe, Ace, Blackbeard, and Whitebeard.
Part 1 of Impel Down (JR: Bon Clay)
Part 2 of Impel Down (JR: Warden Magellan)
Part 3 of Impel Down (JR: Emporio Ivankov)
Part 4 of Impel Down (JR: Marshall D. Teach)
Part 1 of Marineford (JR: Edward Newgate)
Part 2 of Marineford (JR: Jinbe)
Part 3 of Marineford (JR: Admiral Akainu)
Escape from Marineford and aftermath (JR: ASL)
That's as far as I've gone up to this point. We will see what the future holds. Obviously, Season One ended where it did. Season Two is most assuredly going to cover Alabasta as a whole. Enies Lobby is a perfect finale for season three, and Skypeia helps to build a relationship between Robin and the crew before Water Seven. Impel Down and Marineford are dense enough to fill their own season, meaning everything leading up to those two can act as a season as well.
What do you think? Am I way off, or do you agree?
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wellfine · 2 years
I had a small question for you: I've noticed your body types and details when it comes to characters feel very human. Little traits in body refs come together very well in your designs. Because of how well you can convey these things, I was wondering if there are any OP characters that are more difficult for you to draw? Be it design wise or translating the OP style to your own? Hope this isn't an odd thing to ask haha
Not odd at all, this is a really interesting ask! I always love an opportunity to talk about why I draw things the way I do haha... Also I'm so flattered you feel that way, body variations are something I find really interesting and gratifying to draw so I'm glad people pick up on them and like them too!
HMMmmm... Honestly I find it harder to translate faces to my style than bodies HAHA. There are sooo many interesting body silhouettes in One Piece that I find it more of a fun puzzle trying to translate them! Montblanc Cricket is definitely a challenge for example because his body shape is sooo extreme (dat neck. You know Zoro's jealous) but that's part of why I like his design/drawing him.
I mean okay the hardest Straw Hat for me to draw is Brook LMAO but I feel like that's cheating because you have to be so precise with all those bones. Body-wise... maybe Nami? It took me a long time to decide on what kind of body type vibes she was giving me before I decided she was kind of beanstalk-y but with big boob implants. I try and draw her boobs to look fake on purpose contrasted with, say, Robin or Tashigi, and I hope it comes across. I just think it's in-character that if her boobs got notably bigger after the time skip, well, it's because she wanted big old honkers lmao!
Zoro is also difficult sometimes because I imagine his body changes appearance a lot, not just because he gains muscle steadily over the series, but even on a shorter scale he probably fluctuates between bulking and cutting. I find it enjoyable to draw him at various stages but it does mean he looks inconsistent in my art sometimes and occasionally I worry that people won't understand my intent. Sanji can also be difficult to get the right proportions for because his muscle composition is so unbalanced, like some kind of hyper-cyclist, but I don't want to make him look absurd out of context either.
I'm not a furry artist by nature (despite Everything) so the hardest body types for me to translate are definitely animalistic characters, whether they're Zoan types or Minks! Chopper and Pedro are still hard for me to draw, for example, even if Minks mostly just have humanoid body shapes covered in hair. I have a hard time clicking with them. Interestingly fishmen/mermaids are not as difficult - I think because they're more fantastical, you can be less 'accurate'?
I'm trying to think of non-Straw Hat characters... Honestly I have a much harder time drawing faces than bodies. I'm working on it. I think my headcanon for Law's body type is at odds with a lot of other fans' LOL (same as me seeing Sanji without a shred of ass), I just can't see him as being muscular at all - he strikes me as the type who barely eats enough and doesn't really work out so he's all gaunt and gangly. Kid is WIIIDDEE which is fun to draw but sometimes hard to get the proportions of. One Piece women tend to be harder to translate to my style than men because their canon body types are so much less diverse :/ but I do enjoy it too. Vivi was hard for me to settle on but I like the body type headcanon I have for her now - I just haven't had time to draw it LMAO. Oh, and Yamato can be hard, but for kind of different reasons. His body is so politicised I know I'm going to get weird comments no matter how I draw him. Giving him top surgery makes me personally feel more comfortable in some ways (visibly denouncing transphobes etc) but less comfortable in others (implying that top surgery is necessary to be transmasc etc). But that's a different kind of difficulty. I still enjoy drawing him.
Inorganic shapes are much harder for me to draw so I would say the hardest OP characters for me are characters like Franky or Brook who have bone/cyborg parts! I love Franky's post-timeskip silhouette (sir your A-frame) but I always struggle with his shoulders and forearms because they're not organic shapes so inconsistencies/scale inaccuracies are way more obvious. Sometimes Fishmen designs fit into this category a bit too.
I hope there was something useful or interesting in that answer somewhere! For me personally I would say - based on bodies only - the Straw Hats scale from easiest -> hardest to draw is: Usopp -> Luffy -> Zoro -> Sanji -> Robin -> Nami -> Jinbe -> Franky -> Chopper -> Brook. Usopp is hands-down easiest for me because I take a lot of inspo for him from my boyfriend so it comes surprisingly naturally. (Love u baby)
Thank you again for such an interesting ask and for letting me indulge in talking about myself for so long, I always enjoy asks like this!
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solasmic · 2 years
skypiea arc is much better paced than alabasta, although i think enel is overpowered and also somehow a caricature of a villain, like all villains so far in OP.. it’s like they’re evil and wreak havoc just for the sake of it. there are indeed people like that, but it gets repetitive if all of them are such :( like give me a backstory please? or at least show me that they struggled a bit in life, idk. something to make them more human. (i like crocodile better i think.) i like the religious theme tho, religion relies heavily on shaming/shunning and also fear. that was portrayed nicely. and i like how useful pagaya and conis were. tho idk why theyd go such lengths for people they barely know (but i guess that’s a recurring theme in the show/manga)
i loooove the shandians and their fight for their ancestral land. very much real, and we’re given a good reason for them to want to defeat enel. also makes gan fall less of a “hero” a “good guy” a (former) “god”. bc let’s be real, god does indeed allow for bad things to happen lol. this aspect of the arc gives it more dimension imo.
update: finally finished it. all the arc’s memorable scenes were crammed into the last few eps lol. i appreciate montblanc noland and calgara’s backstory so much, and wyper’s efforts made me tear up, going so far as to use the reject dial a third time to help luffy get to the belfry. it was a very cathartic moment when the bell finally rang again. it was made better by the fact that it rang because enel was smashed into it. i was hoping for noland’s redemption to everyone in jaya but i guess having just(?) cricket and the saruyama alliance hear it was amazing nonetheless. also was so happy to see nola my beloved. all zoan types and animals in one piece have so far been likable characters/extras, and i would argue that oda writes animal extras better than some of his female characters lol..
anyway what in the world is enel thinking trying to set sail to the fairy vearth/moon. ??? how will he go to the moon
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yamatoonepiece5 · 2 years
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blweebuniverse · 4 years
There's one thing that's a fact. No one in history has ever disproved the city of gold and the sky island. People might laugh at it or call it foolish logic, but that's enough for me. Thats what romanticism is about!
Montblanc Cricket (One Piece)
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haunted-xander · 2 years
One of my favorite parts of the Skypiea arc is that one of the most important characters for the over-arching theming and story (Noland) has a constant OwO face
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Thats the face of head empty no thoughts
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